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WebsiteSurvey: View Response #33,484

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Sildenafil is the active ingredient in both Cenforce 100( and PDE5 inhibitors. A phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor is a vasodilator that works by stopping cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 from breaking down cyclic GMP in the smooth muscle cells that line the blood vessels that bring blood to different tissues.

 IT helps people who have trouble getting and keeping an erection. It also helps men with Erectile Dysfunction and Impotence get better.

Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors — Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors work by making more of the chemicals that make and keep the penis straight. PDE-5 inhibitors open up the blood vessels in the penis so that more blood can flow in. They help a man get an erection after being sexually aroused, but they don't make him want to be sexually aroused more. For these drugs to work, you need to be sexually aroused.

PDE-5 inhibitors can help up to 70% of men get their sexual function back. They work best for men with psychogenic impotence (see "Psychological causes" above), but men with other types of ED can also use them. This is why Cenforce 100mg is the best PDE5 inhibitor pill.

Created at 5/27/2022 12:44 PM by  
Last modified at 5/27/2022 12:44 PM by