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One of the most common causes of back pain, a slipped disc is the result of an injury brought on by twisting or lifting, causing one of the discs in the spine to rupture, and gel inside leaks out. Most people with a slipped disc experience sudden and severe lower back pain. Pain is a personal, subjective experience that consists of sensory–discriminative, motivational–affective, and cognitive–evaluative dimensions. The palliative care approach to pain management focuses on the concept of “total pain”: the level of pain that a patient perceives is related to the physical aspects of the disease in addition to psychological, social, and spiritual factors. Visceral pain refers to pain that results from pain receptors located in the internal organs within a cavity of the body. This type of pain is usually described as a deep, pressure-like feeling that is not localized to a certain point in the body. Most of us hardly use the full capacity of our lungs, especially when we slump at the computer or when we watch television. This compresses our lungs and we breathe in a shallow way, just into the top of our chest. Sitting like this soon begins to affect your body. Tension and pain levels rise and you may also develop a headache or other symptoms. Worrying all the time that something might be really wrong and interpreting increases in pain as a sign of potential catastrophe, have both been shown to make pain worse and make it last longer.

Some people become so good at managing their pain that it fades completely into the background for much of the time. People with pain problems often worry about what it means for them, their lifestyle and their future. Being limited by the effects of pain can be difficult and frustrating, especially if no ‘cure' is possible. This can in turn lead to anxiety or worry and depression for some people. The pain you feel may reflect a true threat to the body, but just as often, it does not. Both physical pain and emotional pain are handled the same way in the brain and can cause real pain. The pain experience can be relieved with treatments such as Prolotherapy which are available in the UK.

There are ways to gain perspective, which may serve to free you from some of the issues that have caused you pain and suffering. When pain becomes chronic, it no longer plays by the same rules as a typical healthy pain response. Increased focus on pain will make it seem more severe or overwhelming. A doctor who specializes in both standard and alternative pain management treatments can help patients develop a personalized pain management plan based on their individual needs. There have been great advances in recent years such that patients can expect and even demand comfort after painful injuries. There are different ways to classify chronic pain. One is pain associated with the symptoms of a chronic disease such as arthritis. The other kind of chronic pain is idiopathic chronic pain. Pain can be located in a single small area or can spread to a wider area. For example, neck pain can spread to the shoulders and upper back. Similarly, lower back pain can spread to the buttocks and down one or both legs. Sometimes, pain can begin very small. But the signals quickly jump along the pain network described above. It is like a football crowd. It takes only one person to start a chant or a song, but very quickly the whole stand has joined in. Psychogenic pain is another term that is sometimes used to describe pain. This is not an official diagnostic term for pain, but is sometimes used to describe pain that is associated with some degree of psychological disturbance. This may include anxiety, depression and/or stress that may be a consequence of or have a causative effect on the pain. Pain, especially chronic pain, is a serious health concern affecting the quality of life of over one-third of the population all over the world, costing billions of dollars per year. Pain often occurs concurrently with hypertension and other cardiovascular risk factors. If you have been prescribed medicine for a bad back, please ensure you take it regularly and as directed by your doctor. Often you will be advised to take the medicine even if you are feeling better. Anti inflammatory medicines will help to keep any pain under control. All of us have sources of aches and pains that fail to capture our attention when we are busy and happy and yet can dominate us when we are down, lonely, and miserable. The longer pain persists, the more complex it becomes. Even if it is caused by a disease, it now involves multiple body systems beyond the nervous system. The endocrine (hormone) system, the gut and other body systems start to become involved. As part of normal life, your joints are exposed to a constant low level of damage. In most cases, your body repairs the damage itself and you do not experience any symptoms. But in osteoarthritis, the protective cartilage on the ends of your bones breaks down, causing pain, swelling and problems moving the joint. Bony growths can develop, and the area can become red and swollen.

Created at 11/18/2021 7:59 PM by  
Last modified at 11/18/2021 7:59 PM by