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1. Participant

Total: 0

2. The Course Design and Structure

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The objectives of the course are clear
The course is well-structured
The practical part of the content is supported well with relevant examples
Links with relevant disciplines (Engineering and non-engineering) is clear
Lecture and non-lecture content is well integrated

Total: 21

3. Workload and Content

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The workload of the course is appropriate for the assigned credit hours.
I am confident that the subject content of the course is up-to-date
Prerequisites to take the course are appropriate
There is not overlap with other courses in the program

Total: 21

4. Resources

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Handouts are effectively designed to complement each lecture
The teaching resources (textbooks, handouts, and Web resources) are appropriate for the course
Reading lists and references are linked to reading resources that are readily available

Total: 21

5. Instructors

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The instructor times the presentation of lectures effectively
The topics covered are explained well
The use of teaching aids and media is appropriate
The instructor displayed a good knowledge of the subjects covered
The instructor motivates my interest in the subject.
The instructor communicates the material effectively
The instructor is easily approachable following the lecture to answer questions (for example, personally or via email)

Total: 21

6. Overall Quality

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I would recommend this course to other students
The course has motivated me to continue exploring the subject area
There is a positive atmosphere of ‘learning together’ in the lectures
This course is important for my career
The physical teaching and learning environment (lecture rooms, laboratories etc.) were of high quality
The course has significantly increased my knowledge in the subject area
I am confident that I can apply what I have learned in the course
Examination standards were made clear in the lecture.
I was well-motivated to attend all lectures and activities on this course
Working and learning collaboratively in groups was actively encouraged

Total: 21

7. Summary

Totally Disagree
Totally Agree
The quality of the course is high.
I think that I have increased my knowledge through the lecture considerably.
I think I can apply what I have learned in the lecture.
Examination standards were made clear in the lecture.
I assimilated the subject matter of this course mainly through the 1 = attending lecture 2 = attending exercises, 3 = reading script/ other handouts for the lecture, 4 = reading literature, 5 = working in learning group

Total: 21

8. What recommendations would you make to further improve the course?

 the material presented.
 the text book and the handout materail.
 The Practical physical Example should be Avaluable
 The physical part, like going to all areas we are learning about and see how it works
 Renewable energy (PV)
 The slides that we are learning from need to be re-arranged
 we need a new textbook for this course.
 nucler fuel
 1-There should be a global book for the material and it must be up to date with detailed information 2- there must be more site visits trips to evaluate the amount understood of the course.
 practical part
 the first part
 give more energy content
 nuclear energy
 The reference book os outdated. the slides (especially the nuclear chapter) have high redudundancy rate. Material should be more specific and related,there are many basic subjects ( high school physics and chemistry) that should be delt with in a better way.
 there should be less pictures because they are all alike and we should have a labe to apply what we take
 we need a more particle and textbooks and more example
 The renweable energy part since it is what is trending due to it's friendliness to environment.

Total: 19

9. What aspects of this course were most useful for you?

 solar and wind power .
 working and learning collaboratively in groups was actively encouraged.
 The Nuclear systems chapter
 the part of PV's
 Nuclear Energy
 Nuclear chapter
 pv cells
 Renewable Energy
 renewable energy and PV cells
 renweble energy
 pv cells
 renewable energy
 Renwable energy
 All parts of the course are very useful and helpful.
 the solar system part and the pvcs
 different types of atomic species
 Almost all, most of the subjects covered are unique to this course and were new to me.

Total: 19